Monday, April 20, 2009

Gucci Envy Me !

Today went sh0ppin' with mummy

We b0th went The Curve & Cineleisure

Sh0p in SASA Skin Food Shins and m0re...

Well, I bought lots 0f c0smetics
Abs0lutely 0ut 0f c0ntr0l
Totally lost my mind when I sees c0smestics
Oh,my favourite ~!

Perhaps I din't shop for quite some times already
Spent mum's money,weeee~ ^~^

Shop for bikini to0~
It's a plain black biki with fabul0us design
(n0t as sh0wn in image bel0w)
It cost RM130+

Mummy said it's cheap n0hh..
Lastly, I din't buy
C0s' mum said must bring 3 sisters buy t0gether..

The sales girl frightened
Heard mum have 4 daughters
C0s' she can earn m0re..hehes =D

Bikini,so in love with it ~!
I'm g0nna get YOU!
Definitely !!

In SASA ,mum and I saw the ENVY ME perfume f0r w0men by GUCCI
It c0sts RM 219+

Daddy b0ught f0r mummy l0ng time ag0 j0rs~
Damn sweet*
Sometimes,I als0 steal fr0m mummy when I preparin' f0r dates

I want t0 get one to0~!
May I?

The sales girl asked us wanna try an0t?
Then she gave us a test paper
Mum and I laugh dou~
OS: I had 0ne at home,yet I still need to try?

She was w0nderin' why do we laugh?
So happy to try branded perfume?!

Seriously feels happy .. =D
Finally I sh0p and had what I desire
C 0 S M E C T I C S

Since last year I lost my c0smectics at R U U M S
I hven't buy new 0nes*

I als0 bought a spec
Black frame sharp light green inside
I N ? hehes =)

ONE WORD to describe my feeling right n0w
S Y O K !!!!