Hey,today is 12th April(Monday),01:55am
I'm really upset now
But,it's okayy
Let's blog...
09th April
My cousin sister-Aki Heng Siow Ying came to my house
We planned to go out at night
So,she waited me after work
We dreesed up ourselves and depart at 12am
And,I wanted to drive..

But lastly,I gave up
Cause' I become blind at night
So I'm f*cking afraid to drive
Of cause,she drive me ^~^

Cam-whoring while in the car

Still my pose laaaaa~

Yeppi,we went to The Curve

Look like twins?

The Laundry
In Black

Is her,my cousin sis

Is me..

It's been such a long time I didnt put on make up
And I was not really used to it,anymore,how sad~

I can see that my make up skill is going poor
F*ck myself huh?I want improvement,man!

The things that I can't live without
First thing,Cigarette
We both smoke hard tonight

We ordered a bucket of Heniken

When you sees I starts to drink again,
That's mean my life turns grey again.

Cant live without you both,
cig and alco~

Does smoke really takes away painess?
I got no idea even after 3 years smoking.

Alcohol do!
Cause I'm sucks in drinking.I can't drink.

Love this*Aki captured for me.

Idk what's wrong with the waiter.
We did not order chicken wings but he served to us
It's okay,since we both were hungry.

Fried curly fries and chic wings

Yeah.Finally spent some time to enjoy my life after hard-working.

We did captured a lots in the washroom.
Watch out !
1)Put your hands on the waist

2)Says peace V V V V
I dont want Tsunami~

3)Charming with this smile?
We make our own days,right?

4)Idk what is this?Act cool/not ready yet?

5)Aiksss..I'm shorter than her,obviously..

6)Aki,half of your face only T.T

7)Yes yes,my shoulder is warm enough for you,girl~

8)Smile to W890i
*think of someone*

9)Grrrrr,I really dont know how to pose in front of mirror..
I suck!

10)Act ugly/angry/nerd?

11)Neneni bubu~bleh =P

12)Loves this*

13)Look! I'm fat , I admit !

14)Twins singlets ^~^

15)Look like twins anot?

We keep chit-chat till 2.30am
Then,Aki drive me back to home

We both were a lil' drunk xD
Anyway,it's good to be drunk..
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