Monday, November 22, 2010

Bye Management!

Hi all,
Yeah~ Am here to update *wink*

Alright, current mood is.....

That's how I'll describe
Wonderin' why?

Cos' Fundamental of Management is over!!
Remember, the subject that I used to say I hate it and it's effing tough

As I've said before, I really put loads of effort
And this morning I found the paper is easy enough
So yeah~

PASS is just around the corner, 
I'm about to grab it

Well, was nervous since the morning, indeed

Thanks my boyf for waking me up early in the morning
He was used to get up at 9 something
But today he called me at 7am

Guess the following days, he will do this too~
How sweet <3
Love him like I never ever do!

Lol, the paper started at 9am
I left the hall at 10am

What to do next?
Again, stunning at Starbucks 
Strive for the next subject IT

4 hours to go
I hate IT too!
Cos' there are plenty of terms that I dont familiar with..
But, I still studied like shit*

The examination hall
Air-con in the hall is seriously killing me
I brought jacket, but seem like it's not working

The IT's paper was difficult
Much harder than what I imagined
No worries, I wont fail =D

Say bye to Management and IT
Back to sweet home

Was intended head to Sungei Wang again
Unfortunately, my baby boy is lack of  petrol
Another sad thing is, I dont have cash with me
And, I'm lazy to cash out

So.....stay at home is the best...
Well, gotta do my Mass Comm's revision
It's gonna be next subject on Wednesday

So yeah~
Currently still on facebook but not textbook

Saw something irritating
Memories that faded away still fly back

The BMW that he was used to fetch me with
The him that I spent 5 years to let go

It's okie, I'm fine
Though the hardest thing is to say bye bye
Wounds may heal
As time goes by
Scars left
Keep it , memorable

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